I got out bidded on the eBay items I really wanted but won the items I didn’t really want and was hoping I would be out bidded on! Serves me right for going bid crazy on eBay LOL. Add to that my coffee has gone bitter, just like me some may say but not to my face and then this gorgeous and simple little bathing suit only comes in Maitreya and SLink HOURGLASS fits!
So OK I know that apart from that little gap at the top of my leg this looks like a good fit but if I moved you’d get a complete crotch shot and if I turned around my whole backside is falling out and what a bloddy shame as this is a superb gift from Poppy. Limited in fits but a nice 4 choice of colours and of course you may just have either the right mesh body or there is no reason this can’t be worn with a standard system AV because although it doesn’t have an Alpha it will be easy enough to dig one up out of your invent.
The shop “Poppy” isn’t a big one but some really nice, summery clothes which do stand out.
Filed under: Blogging SL, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed Tagged: bathing suit, beach, bikini, free, freebie, gift, group gift, kawaii, second life, SecondLife, SL